Raising Funds,
Bottle Drive
By; Dennis Schofield
For the last several years I have been a board member of Lets Give Them Hope (LGTH) in Zimbabwe, Africa. I shared the story of this small schoolhouse (Vineyard Community School) in Zambia with the leadership team of LGTH. On September 24, 2019, several members of LGTH team travelled to Zambia to see firsthand what these amazing people were doing at the Vineyard Community School. After meeting with Henry and Elizibeth, the leadership from LGTH offered to partner with the Vineyard and bring them into the LGTH Family. Henry and Elizibeth were excited to be part of this amazing community! Beginning in October 2019, all 167 children are receiving 1 meal per day, as well as continuing their schooling and being able to access medication and doctors.
It is hard to believe that these bottles drive that we have been running the last couple of years have brought us to this point. Now with the help of LGTH, these children have a real fighting chance and hope for a much brighter future!
LGTH Zambia planted their first garden in February 2020. The garden was planted to help feed the children in Zambia and to sell any extra crops at market, thus reducing the cost of the feeding program.
We are continuing our bottle drives to help with the cost of running the Zambia program. We are hoping to raise $6,000 Canadian to purchase a used vehicle (truck). The vehicle is needed desperately to get food for the feeding program, transporting the children to doctors for HIV/Aid injections and for any emergency that arises at the school. One of the biggest advantages with having LGTH on board is that we can now give tax receipts for all donations (cash).
Please let us know if you have any bottles or would like to make a cash donation. Our Zambia bottle drive will run from June 1 to July 30, 2020.

Hope Through Soccer
There is no better way to fill the unemployment void than providing a whole 3-month Soccer tournament for the young man in the community. Since 2016, Let’s Give Them Hope has been running a soccer tournament that has seen teams of young man and teenagers from over 15 villages compete to be the best in the community. Like normal football clubs, the games run every weekend and occasional in the week, with home and away games gathering crowds of spectators and entertaining the whole community. But more than just the games, LGTH uses the opportunity to serve more than just the children who attend the program at the base in Musana. Young boys are taken out of the streets and their boredom is filled with a positive environment and new friends are made. The streets have a way of pulling a lot of the young boys into alcoholism, drugs and criminal activities. Elvis a former child of Let’s Give Them Hope is one of those boys who plays soccer for the Let’s Give Them Hope team “Hopefc”. He says soccer truly turned his life around. He says he has positive friends he can hang out with, as well as he can still benefit from the youth projects hosted by LGTH. He loves playing soccer with the other boys and when the season is over, the teams take time to practise, play friendly games and the entertainment keeps going even when the tournament is over. Hope FC has won the tournament twice placed 3rd in the last season. The boys are eager to reclaim their title.