Spotlight on:
Malvin, Kelvin, Natasha and Ivan
We'd like you to meet:
Malvin, Kelvin,
Natasha and Ivan.

These four siblings live with their mother in a typical rural situation: a small 1-room house with a separate kitchen hut – which in this case also doubles as the three boys’ bedroom. Their father died 2 years ago. Since their mother has been too ill to work for a long time, it was always a struggle to provide enough food or pay school fees. In addition, the older children have had to carry the burden of the responsibilities for household chores and child-care.
All four of these siblings love to come to the program, and rarely if ever miss a program day or event. While some of the children struggled with depression and self-esteem issues prior to attending Let’s Give Them Hope, they now all display positive attitudes and really have hope for the future. And, as you can see, they have some great smiles!
They are also very grateful for what LGTH and their sponsors have done for them - for instance, the older three would not be attending school – and want to say “Thank you” to everyone who supports our programs.